domingo, 23 de fevereiro de 2014

In times of Helicoverpa government cuts funding of the Secretariat of Agricultural Protection

Health Protection
Em tempos de Helicoverpa, governo corta verba da Secretaria de Defesa Agropecuária
In one of the most difficult for Brazilian agriculture , Helicoverpa armigera when the moments have caused damage estimated at R $ 10 billhões , more bad news promises to get the sleep of the productive sector : the scrapping of the body responsible for protection against animal and plant diseases . The Time magazine revealed internal report of the Ministry of Agriculture pointing " negligible resources " for the Agriculture Defense Department .

" Of the more than U.S. $ 370 million approved by the government for defense against animal and plant diseases in the fight against H. armigera is the number one priority , only $ 182 million was spent . This year , the budget is even lower: U.S. $ 284 million . [ ... ] And this value , even if reduced, is still subject to further cuts , " the report said .

The foregoing document was produced by the magazine in late 2013 , and highlights the main " barriers " of Brazilian agriculture defense. According to the report , the eradication of pests in Brazil is "committed " : " The situation is worrying because the infestation is large and requires inspection, surveillance and monitoring ... and resources are negligible ."

The President of the National Union of Agricultural Tax , Wilson Roberto de Sa , is not afraid to say that the shortage of resources was crucial to the spread of the pest Helicoverpa : " Lack of money hinders the way of tax inspections and to accurately identify the area where the caterpillar . "

In a passage titled " Alert " , one realizes that the concern is unrestricted : " The contingency of financial resources is promoting a breakdown of the entire system of Agricultural Defense of Brazil . The lack of official monitoring and surveillance may lead incalculable damage to the emergence of an outbreak of FMD for the country , "say the experts.

According to Secretary of Defense Agriculture , Rodrigo Figueiredo , low budget hinders , but it is not decisive . "We perform all activities envisaged in our planning . We have to use more creativity and work best with the States, " he told the season .

Author : Leonardo Gottems

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