quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

The Pollination and bees

A Polinização e as abelhas

Bees: heroes or villains? Many people see bees as villains because they bite, but sting is a natural way of them defend themselves! In fact, they are heroines as providing a service crucial to life on our planet: pollination.

Pollination? What is this? Pollination from the word pollen, which is the male reproductive structure of the plant. The tiny pollen grains are produced in the male organs of the flower, which together seem a powder that can be different colors depending on the plant source.

After all, what is pollination? It is the transport of pollen, from where it is produced to the female flower. This transport can be done naturally by wind, water, and animals such as bees.

How bees pollinate? They are insects that have many in body and these are by themselves to collect pollen and this makes bees important pollinators.

But what is the role of the in pollination? When seeking food in the flowers pollen sticks easily in the Bee and so she carries this pollen to the female part of other flowers, pollinating them.

We need pollination to live! Do you eat beans? Eat fruits and vegetables? Take milk and eat some kind of meat?
Yeah! All of these foods have some form of plants. Cattle, goats, pigs and other livestock animals that give us milk and meat also eat plants or parts of them.

But what is the relationship between food and pollination? To form new plants and to generate seeds and fruit plants need to reproduce, and so playback occurs, most of them need to be pollinated first.

Then pollination is necessary for the production of food? Yes, but not only for humans and pets, also for the wild animals that live in the forests, fields and towns. In addition, new plants that form seeds may serve as a shelter for many animals, and plants can provide for wooden constructions human tissues for the production of fibers and other products.

Did you know that:
Not all bees have stingers? In Brazil and other tropical countries there are bees that do not sting, known as stingless bees. They live in society and produce tasty honey and medicinal.

There are many species of stingless bees in Brazil? There are over 300 species and some of us live in urban environments as: jataí (photo 1), the Iraí (photo 2), the Bantam (photo 3) and tubuna. They make their nests in trees (in trunks or roots) in walls and partitions, light boxes, bounds or underground.

Stingless bees also pollinate plants? Than those of the natural environment, the stingless bees contribute to the reproduction of plants of squares and gardens of towns, pollinating the feet of cherry, mango, jaboticaba, guava, plum etc.. This results in delicious fruits for us and for the wild animals that live in urban areas.

Most bees live so lonely? In urban areas and natural environments, and bees that live in society, there is a great diversity of bees living alone (solitary) of various sizes and colors as bumblebees visiting the passion, the oil collecting bees and bees metal.

Certain plants do not bear fruit without solitary bees? In this case, without the pollinator no fruit: without bumblebees no passion fruit (video: www.youtube.com / watch) and without the oil collecting bees there acerolas.

Now that you know the importance of bees for pollination try to find out how you can help to keep them in your city and nature!

Photo 1 - stingless bee known as JATAÍ visiting the flowers of verbena - ornamental plant used in urban areas.

Photo 2 - known as stingless bees collecting pollen Iraí yellow flower-Ora pro nobis in urban areas.

Photo 3 - stingless bee known as MIRIM collecting pollen from white flower marianeira in urban areas.

Source: http://www.cnpma.embrapa.br

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