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André Fachini Minitti
Information technology can be a strong ally for farmers and professional technical assistance and rural extension do the planning, forecasting and monitoring of agricultural properties. A partnership between the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa, during celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the Company, with the Canal Rural and R3ZIZ will enable the deployment of WebAgritec, web-based system designed to help professionals in the agricultural sector in making decision, reducing the risks inherent in agricultural production.
The platform developed by Embrapa has seven modules that allow an overview of the production system and guide the user in planning and monitoring the culture. Displays information about the most favorable times to plant, ie, with lower risks associated climate; most appropriate cultivars; indications of liming and fertilization for each crop from soil analyzes, trends and forecasts of weather conditions before, during and after harvest, diseases and nutritional disorders that may arise in the course of the season; monitoring crop with estimated productivity; follow through on the agenda of the property etc..
The system aggregates in a single system multiple products generated by Embrapa's research and will offer services with regionalised application, diagnostics and alerts as pests and diseases, data on climate, soil conditions and production estimates. Will generate a set of information in the form of reports, charts, graphs and tables, in an accessible and attractive interface for users to make decisions effectively. By using the web, the system can be used anywhere that has internet access, facilitating simultaneous consultancy to various properties.
The agreement on technical and financial cooperation for the licensing of WebAgritec seeks joint action between Embrapa and private companies to promote the commercial use of the Platform. Will be implemented a number of actions including technical improvement of technology and raising funds, whose responsibilities are defined by specific agreements and contracts. The companies involved technical experts designated to coordinate and monitor the development of these actions. The technical leadership of Embrapa Information Technology met with representatives of the Rural Channel, in Campinas (SP), to discuss the steps of working together.
Nadir Rodrigues - Journalist (MTb / SP 26,948)
Embrapa Information Technology
(19) 3211-5747 / nadir.rodrigues @
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