sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013

Organic strawberries have firmer flesh , concludes study Leading by agronomist Esalq / USP , research examines post-harvest quality of the fruit in conventional and organic systems

For the newsroom 
 agricultura_hortifruti_morango_ (Foto: Marcelo Min/Ed. Globo)
( More sensitive to external interference after harvesting strawberries - Photo: Marcelo Min / Globe Ed . )

Postharvest quality of the fruit can undergo different influences according to the employed production systems . That's what the survey found Esalq / USP , Piracicaba ( SP ) , led by agronomist Carolina Andrade . The objective was to determine the differences in postharvest quality of strawberries produced in organic and conventional cropping system in repeated reviews . It was found that strawberries produced in organic systems have higher soluble solids and greater firmness than those produced in the conventional system .

Practices such as fertilization , phytosanitary treatments, seedling quality , climatic conditions and water availability are important to obtain a product with acceptable characteristics factors . On the other hand, according to Carolina , strawberries are very sensitive to external interference after harvesting , depending on an efficient marketing chain so that it reaches to the end consumer appropriately. Because it is a very sensitive fruit to attack by pests and diseases during commercial cultivation , lots of chemicals for their production products are used . " Many studies propose to conduct evaluations of such a feature , however, are difficult to conduct due to the multiplicity of external factors that can influence the condition of the fruit studies ," says the scholar .

Thus , the quality of strawberries produced was evaluated on seven properties in the region of the state of São Paulo ( Atibaia , Jarinú and Monte Alegre do Sul) and in southern Minas Gerais , in the city of Senador Amaral , each pair consisting by a property of organic farming and conventional farming . Strawberries produced in organic systems have higher intensity of red color , when evaluated objectively by a device called a colorimeter , a characteristic that is less evident to the human eye . It was also observed higher dry matter content , although there is variation in the individual analysis of each pair of properties studied . Moreover , the study concluded that the loss of weight, density and content and titratable acidity and ascorbic acid are not influenced by the cropping system. Have the fruit produced in the conventional system have higher anthocyanin content and a lower rate of decay than those produced in the organic . For most of the variables and conventional organic strawberries not differ from each other during storage. " It is hoped that the survey results bring contributions to the awareness of workers involved in the production and handling of strawberries in relation to post-harvest care that should be adopted in order to reduce loss rates of the fruit due to improper handling . Also is expected to have utility as collateral for consultation in the preparation of projects that seek financial and institutional support for improvement chain and developing a differentiated product , such as organic, " concludes the researcher .

Source : Globo Rural Magazine ( Brazil ) .

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