segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2013

China should increase production of corn and wheat in 2013

Crops of rice and soybeans are expected to decrease compared to last year

by Estadão Content
Ernesto de Souza
( The government increased 5 % in the minimum price of wheat in 2014 compared to the value of this year - Photo : Ernesto de Souza / Ed . Globe )

China should increase the amount of corn and wheat harvested this year , but the production of rice and soybeans should decrease , said the state agency Centre National Grain and Oils Information ( CNGOIC , its acronym in English ) , in a statement released today ( 10/14 ) . According to the Chinese government , the country should be the 10th consecutive record harvest of grain this year . This number is included corn, wheat and rice, but no soy.

The corn crop is expected to surpass 4.6% in the last year , reaching 215 million tons, while wheat should be 1.1 % higher than in 2012 , amounting to 122.17 million tons .

The rice harvest is expected to decrease 0.7 % to 202.75 million tons and soybean production should also drop 4.2% , reaching 12.5 million tons .

China's soybean imports in September totaled 4.7 million tons, down 5.4% compared to the same month of 2012 and 26.2 % compared to August . In the year to September, China imported 45.75 million tons , up 3.3 % compared to the first nine months of last year .

The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang pointed out last week that the country is willing to support domestic companies import 1 million tons of Thai rice over the next five years because Chinese demand begins to exceed production.

The government increased 5 % in the minimum price of wheat in 2014 compared to the value of this year to 2,360 yuan per ton ( U.S. $ 1 = 6.11480 yuan ) , said the National Development and Reform Saturday ( 12/10 ) . According to Chinese state agency , it will protect domestic producers and domestic grain harvest . The country fixed minimum prices for the purchase of wheat, rice and maize and beans to get the state stocks when market prices fall below that level .

Source : Globo Rural Magazine ( Brazil ) .

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