by Globo Rural Online
( The corn harvest should fall cycle 2013/2014 and stay between 78.43 million and 79.62 million tons - Photo : Shutterstock )
Brazil is expected to produce 195.4 million tons of grain crop in 2013/2014 . The information is from the National Supply Company ( Conab ) , which announced on Wednesday ( 9/10 ) the first figures for the new crop of grain in the country .
In this first report on the season 2013/2014 , the technicians present estimates based on intervals with upper and lower limits of projection area and the total harvest of each crop and analyzed .
The total area to be planted must be between 54.1 and 55.1 million hectares , according to Conab . Depending on the number that is confirmed, it may represent an increase of between 1.6 % and 3.5 % compared to the area of the 2012/2013 harvest , calculated by the company 53.34 million hectares .
"Highlight for soybean, wheat and cotton, most responsible for the increase in area . It is estimated that the increase for soybeans is between 3.4 and 5.9 % ( from 942.1 to 1634.5 thousand hectares ) , for wheat of 15.1 % ( 286 400 hectares ) and the cotton 16.8 to 22.5 % ( from 149.9 to 201.1 thousand hectares ) , " the report said Conab .
In production, the lower limit of the calculation projects a harvest of 191.91 million tons , reaching 195.49 million . Depending on the number confirmed, could mean a growth of 2.6 % to 4.5 % over the 2012/2013 harvest , estimated at 187.09 million tonnes .
" This result represents an increase from 4.82000000 to 8.41000000 tons , mainly due to the soybean crop , which shows an increase in production from 7.5 to 10.1 % ( 6.15000000 to 8.26000000 tons ), cotton , growing from 22.2 to 28.2 % ( from 453.7 to 572.9 thousand tons ), wheat, with growth of 8.9 % (390.0000 tons ) and beans first crop , growing from 25.6 to 29.0 % ( 247.2000000 to 279.8000000 tons), "says the Conab .
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ( IBGE ) also released figures on Wednesday ( 9/10 ) , but on the harvest this year. The estimate was revised down ( -0.2 % ) compared to released last month , reaching 187 million tons . The volume is still 15 % higher than in 2012 ( 161.9 million tons ) .
Of the 26 products surveyed , 15 showed positive change in relation to the year 2012 , according to IBGE. In the three main crops surveyed by the institute , rice production is expected to grow 2.7 % ( 11.69 million tons ) , the corn 13.2 % ( 80.73 million tons , summed first and second season ) and soybeans 23.8 % ( 81.35 million tons ) .
Together, upland rice , corn and soybeans account for 93 % of grain production and 86.2 % of the area harvested in the country , according to the IBGE .
Source : Globo Rural Magazine ( Brazil ) .
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