Agency for Brazil
(Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette later this month and promises to be more agile processes )
The National Council of Environment ( CONAMA ) approved new national guidelines that alter the Resolution 413/2009 , becoming more streamlined and rapid environmental licensing for businesses aquaculture ( fish farming freshwater and saltwater ) . The expectation is that the new resolution will be published in the Official Gazette later this month . Published , shall enter into force automatically.
The forecast of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture is the licensing of fish farms , which could take up to six years , is made possible within three months . " The resolution makes more streamlined the licensing process because of working with a single license . Previously necessary permits prior to installation and operation. All state environmental agencies should meet the new resolution , based on the preservation of biodiversity and health protection for cultivated species , "said Secretary of Planning and Land Aquaculture , Maria Fernanda Nince .
Currently, the license for aquaculture in waters under federal jurisdiction is made by state agencies with different criteria and procedures . They are defined by local legislation , which can result in unequal treatment of the producers of the same activity .
Among the criteria for the grant of the license is simplified using indigenous species ( natural area ) . It may also be used allochthonous species (not from the region ) , provided they are presented mitigation measures potential impacts. The new resolution also provides for the submission of draft technical development of aquaculture and environmental study and monitoring program area .
According to Maria Fernanda , the sector will be driven with the new measure , since there will be more flexibility in the bidding of aquaculture ventures . Currently , notices are open areas for aquaculture parks in Goiás , Mato Grosso, Tocantins , Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paulo and Pernambuco , Bahia , Paraná and Rio de Janeiro . " The bidding will be costly in terms , for the great producer , and social , facing the small farmer ," said the secretary.
In Brazil , aquaculture now accounts for 40 % of all production of 1.3 million tons of fish per year. According to the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture , the activity generates a GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) fishing $ 5 billion , mobilizing 800,000 professionals and provides 3.5 million direct and indirect jobs . The goal of the ministry is that in 2030 , Brazil has become one of the largest producers in the world , with 20 million tons of fish per year.
Source : Globo Rural magazine .
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