by Globo Rural Online
( Terena Indians and farmers living in the region of conflict situation Sidrolândia , Mato Grosso do Sul - Photo : Agência Brazil )
The Human Rights Commission of the Senate held on Tuesday ( 1/10 ) a hearing on " ebbs and flows " in relation to the Indians in Brazil . The discussion is related to the 25th anniversary of the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution , according to the News Agency of the Senate .
The meeting was requested by Senator Ana Rita ( EN - ES ) . Among the guests are the Justice Minister José Eduardo Cardozo , president of the National Indian Foundation ( FUNAI) , Maria Augusta Assirati , and the general secretary of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Catholic ) , Don Leonardo Steiner .
Among the main points related to indigenous issues , the Constitution provides that the Union shall have competence to define the boundaries of land . And that exploitation of resources in indigenous territories depends on congressional authorization .
The hearing will be held in the context of a wider debate concerning the demarcation of indigenous lands in Brazil , which has involved representatives of the Indians , the government and farmers .
Representatives of the rural sector consider arbitrary actions of demarcation coordinates Funai . To the Parliamentary Agriculture ( FPA ) , how the demarcations are made hurts property right also enshrined in the Constitution .
One of the main points of discussion is related to the Proposed Constitutional Amendment 215 , which should be discussed by a special committee of Congress . The text transfers to the National Congress shall have power to set land demarcations in the country .
The proposal is criticized by indigenous leaders linked to because the PEC can change a right safeguarded by the Constitution itself . In early September , ethnicity Terena Indians of Mato Grosso do Sul issued a letter in which they stated that they would respond " height " in the case of the creation of a special commission to examine the PEC . The Terena are in conflict with farmers in the region Sidrolândia ( MS ) .
Parliamentary linked to agribusiness advocate accelerating the debate on the proposal. Industry representatives argue that , in addition to Funai , institutions like Embrapa may have an interest in studies of indigenous occupation in Brazil.
The Special Committee of the PEC had 215 installation scheduled for the last 25 days . According to the Agency Board , the installation took place at the request of the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Henrique Eduardo Alves . The PT must occupy the presidency of the college , which should be installed this week .
Source : Globo Rural magazine .
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