JC Online
( In the photo , the Sewage Treatment Plant in the neighborhood of Cabanga / Photo : Guga Matos / JC Picture)
Give destination for garbage and sewage is a challenge for the administration of any big city . The Metropolitan Region of Recife , according to the IBGE , produces 3,221 tons of garbage a day and not always disposal is done by sustainable path . The Energy Company of Pernambuco ( Celpe ) will offer a solution to transform all the waste into clean energy . The initiative aims to create the technology to convert solid waste and wastewater into biogas that will be used in the Brazilian energy matrix .
In partnership with Pernambuco Sanitation Company ( Compesa ) will build a system of renewable energy generation with power estimated at 200 kW , in a Sewage Treatment Plant ( WWTP ) . In total will be invested over £ 4.6 million in the acquisition of equipment , professional training , technology development , installation and follow-up after deployment .
Initially , the energy generated by the biogas will be used in the treatment unit or if there is surplus Celpe injected into the network . The percentage is not consumed by the client and for the utility grid will be reversed in credit to the consumer , as provided by Normative Resolution No. 482/2012 , which deals with distributed generation .
The project is part of the Programme for Research and Technological Development of the Power Sector of the National Agency of Electric Energy ( ANEEL ) and has a partnership with the Pernambuco Sanitation Company ( Compesa ) and Department of Water and Energy Resources of the State Government ( SRHE ) and run by the University of Pernambuco ( UPE ) , Center for Management of Technology and Innovation ( CGT ) and companies B & G Research and Development in Electrical Systems Ltd and Sustain Sustainable Energy Ltda .
In addition to providing clean power generation , the project being developed by Celpe can still make a contribution to reduce the deficit sewage treatment in the country " We will study a technology that can be applied in various situations . In parallel to ETE , we seek a solution to the waste produced in supermarkets , fairs , dumps , landfills , restaurants and all places where there is a masterpiece for biogas , "says the manager of Environment Celpe , Thiago Caires .
By encouraging the decentralization of energy production , the project falls in the category of distributed generation of electricity. In the case of customers who join the system or micro minigeneration no need for the construction of transmission lines , since energy is consumed in the same place where it is produced , considerably reducing the levels of technical losses inherent in the transport of electric energy .
Source : www.jc.com.br
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