by Globo Rural Online
(While the U.S. is close to harvest the crop in Mato Grosso, the planting is at an early stage - Photo: José Medeiros / Ed Globe)
The greater competitiveness of the United States can influence the soy complex exports of Mato Grosso. The evaluation was made by the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (IMEA) in weekly bulletin released on Monday (23/9).
A point of concern is a possible direction of Chinese demand for soybeans. "In the coming months, with the entry of new crop 2013/14 North American soybean, greater competitiveness in exports can influence soybean state, particularly with respect to sales to China, the main buyer of the oilseed world," the IMEA.
China was the destination of 59% of the soy complex exports from Mato Grosso to the month of August this year. The information was released on Monday by the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (IMEA).
In the comparison between July and August, purchases by the Chinese soybeans fell 5.7%. Even so, the share of grain shipments total complex increased from 31.7% to 40.3%.
Even with American competition, the expectation of IMEA is increase in foreign sales. "For the season 2013/14 it is expected that Brazil expand their exports to 42.5 million tons, according to the USDA. As Mato Grosso is the main producer of the grain, should expand their sales abroad with China being largely responsible for this increase. "
Source: Globo Rural magazine.
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