by Luciana Franco
( Red roses are the best-selling - Disclosure / Expoflora )
Roses are the flowers most sold in the world . Therefore , intense research in the development of new varieties and the companies operating in this area take on average seven years to create a new product .
And this segment the breeders work is essential because it is what will create new colors and new varieties of rose , according to market trends . The NIRP - company of Italian origin - maintains a gene bank in Italy with thousands species you want to cross - with particular characteristics , such as color , scent , durability , thorns , productivity , button size . Are market trends that will define what varieties will be chosen for a new crossing .
" If I want a red rose very productive I get a variety and red cross with another very productive ," explains Mauricio Torres , producer and breeder representing NIRP in Brazil.
In general an intersection starts with 15 seeds that are pre - selecionas by the company . These seeds will result in hundreds of products with different characteristics. The NIRP is 30,000 crossings per year , generating 450,000 new roses distinct . In the first two years have made a selection of these roses for bad traits .
" We have a list with 70 items that we consider defects and are used to discard varieties . If the rose has one of these 70 items is destroyed . " After two years , the 450,000 initial left over 20,000 seedlings , which are multiply by 6 seedlings . These new varieties are evaluated in greenhouses during three years in terms of their positive characteristics . Of these, are left between 400 and 500 seedlings. " In other words , one of every thousand survive ," says Torres .
Roses are survivors scattered 23 units that NIRP keeps countries from all continents , including Brazil , and according to the market and climate will be analyzed for two more years in the field . " Following on offer to producers who will choose the varieties they intend to grow ," says Torres .
Roses are the most widely sold and red represent love , but there is room for all varieties : a pink means admiration and sympathy , the yellow joy , the white symbolizes a new beginning ; orange, desire, and lilac , spirituality . Holambra ( SP ) are traded about 150 million rose stems per year , equivalent to 60 % of the national market .
Source : Globo Rural magazine
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