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( Prosecutor wants carbendazim is banned until ANVISA make their revaluation - Photo : Shutterstock )
The Federal Prosecutor in Distrito Federal ( MPF / DF ) filed suit in court to suspend the registration of pesticides formulated with carbendazim in Brazil . According to the MPF , the prohibition of the use of the fungicide should be adopted by the National Agency for Sanitary Surveillance ( ANVISA ) complete the process of reassessing the toxicity of the active principle , " considered harmful to human health by several scientific studies ."
The carbendazim is registered with the Ministry of Agriculture for crop spraying citrus , cotton, beans , soybeans and wheat , and seed treatment of cotton, beans, corn and soybeans . In the case of citrus , the use of the product for control of early blight was suspended early last year by the Fund for Citrus Plant Protection ( Fundecitrus ) , maintained by producers and industries , after the U.S. embargo of 20 shipments of juice concentrate with carbendazim levels above the levels allowed by U.S. authorities .
The MPF / DF , defending the suspension of carbendazim , argues that the fungicide is banned in the United States and is part of the review of substances in the European Union . " Here , the last ingredient evaluation was performed by ANVISA in 2002 . Since then , hundreds of new research showed risks in taking the product , which can cause damage to the endocrine , reproductive and liver ," says MPF , citing that the use of carbendazim is associated , for example, skin diseases, liver problems , decreased sperm production , infertility, birth defects , hormonal disorders and cancer.
According to the MPF / DF , Anvisa itself recognizes the need to reassess the risks of the substance , but said it will only make the analysis after completing the reevaluation of 14 other active ingredients , in Resolution RDC 10/2008 , but no date set for the completion of assignments . " The inertia of the municipality puts at risk the health of the population ," say prosecutors , who advocate the precautionary principle . " To ensure that health is effectively safeguarded , should be applied by the State in accordance with their capabilities , preventive measures where there are threats of serious or irreversible . Shall not be used to the lack of full scientific certainty as a reason for postponing measures effective "says the action of the prosecutor Anselmo Henrique Cordeiro Lopes .
Source : Globo Rural magazine .
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