sábado, 30 de novembro de 2013

Brazil has ten imminent phytosanitary threats

According to researcher , new pests and diseases are introduced in the country by population

by Alana Fraga , Ribeirão Preto ( SP )
Editora Globo
( Helicoverpa armigera caterpillar is one of the most troublesome pests of Brazilian agriculture today - Photo: Cecilia Czepak / Staff File )

Brazil is suffering today with about 600 plant health threats ( from pests , diseases and weeds ) , of which ten had verge of entering the country. It is what alerts the researcher Paulista Agency of Agribusiness Technology ( APTA ) , José Roberto Scarpellini , given the concerns that Brazilian producers currently have more new exotic pest of agriculture have to Helicoverpa armigera .

According to him , the lack of plant consciousness of the general population is the main reason of the introduction of new pests and diseases in the country . " The customs barriers airports work fine, but do not have sufficient tax and brings many things hidden . Nobody takes seriously these measures . There is a plant that awareness bring a change of a plant , fruit and seeds in your pocket can damage the country's economy . 600 These pests can only enter Brazil if someone brings , " he says.

The striga , one of the worst weeds in terms of attack and difficult to control , is one of the most imminent threats and is in Argentina .

Scarpellini explains that every few years , new pests and diseases emerge and proliferate across the country , including on account of the misuse of pesticides that end up wiping out their natural enemies . "We were in Brazil a whitefly biotype easy to control and not caused so much damage , it was a minor pest . After it was discovered another biotype of it , much tougher . The staff began to apply many insecticides that influenced the biological control , because he slew the natural predators , and thus increased its population, " he says, noting that among the threats to Brazil , is the B biotype whitefly .

Source : Globo Rural Magazine ( Brazil ) .

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