by Globo Rural Online
( Planting corn in Ohio ( USA ) . In the state , 22 % of crops are regular too bad - Photo : Bruno Blecher / Ed . Globe )
The rains are falling back into the region of the midwestern United States next week , but volumes should not be sufficient to improve the conditions of the soybean and corn country. The assessment report is published by Somar Meteorologia .
" The volumes provided are not sufficient to reverse this situation of water deficit . So , the next USDA report will bring even greater percentage of soybean and corn in poor condition and very bad , "says the report signed by meteorolgista Marco Antonio dos Santos .
After another hot week drought in American territory , the conditions of crops followed worsened , according to the country's Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) . A scenario that aggravates a crop that has already begun with late planting .
" The month of August was crucial to production , since more than 80 % of the crops were at the flowering and early grain filling . As this month the weather was extremely dry , with rainfall well below average throughout the Midwest , "says meteorologist , noting that projections of crop have been revised downwards in the United States .
Already in the maize crop, the weather should be no longer such a big impact , since more than 40 % of the areas are in the final stages of grain filling , says Marco Antonio dos Santos . But the weatherman also highlights that in the case of cereal , there was a delay in planting crops and also developed worsening conditions in recent weeks .
" Corn production is expected to fluctuate even of 340 to 345 million tons . There are new opportunities for increased losses in soybean production , because for these next five days are not being provided for rainfall and temperatures still remain very high, " says Santos .
Source : Globo Rural magazine
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