Food is cheaper and simpler to produce
Text by : Karin Solomon | Edition : Raphael Solomon
Editora Globo
( The " caviar " trout can be presented in varieties like golden and des salmonado - Photo : Leandro Omine )
A substitute for caviar , tens of times cheaper . Are the trout roe , more delicate than the sturgeon , which can be used in French cooking or Japanese . The production is still small in Brazil , but there is interest in Sao Paulo restaurants and delicacy can be an alternative source of income for producers of fish . It suggests that a survey by the Sao Paulo Agency for Agribusiness Technology ( APTA ) .
Originally , the caviar is made from sturgeon eggs . The variety most exquisite and famous , beluga sturgeon , was threatened with extinction , which led to a search for alternatives , which are called caviar substitutes . The study of Apta aimed to assess the feasibility of trout as one of them .
In the first part , the researchers sought to determine whether it is possible to produce and sell the eggs . According to the researcher Aiko Yara Tabata , the production process is simple . Eggs can be harvested or removed trout fish still alive . They should then be cleaned with a saline solution and undergo heat treatment. Should also be kept fresh and chilled all the time .
Also according to the researcher , provides trout roe from a year and a half of life and 1.5 pound . The first spawn can produce 150-220 grams. With the increased life of the array, the caviar production increases. More efficient than the sturgeon , which takes seven years to begin to ovulate and the eggs can only be collected from a fish down.
Brazil already produces caviar substitutes salmon and flying fish , but still imports most of what is consumed . In the United States , since no production from trout . In Brazil , the researcher says , " some establishments already produce in small quantity and by hand . No industry that manufactures scale . "
Commercially , who produces trout and has an abattoir , the investment is easily retrievable . For those who have not , it is best to invest in a cooperative or join an industry . " Producers are already spawning . If you have scale , they can sell in the form of fingerlings or take advantage of this product , "says Yara .
The survey also assessed the acceptance of foods and the taste of the product . Talked to heads of restaurants in Campos do Jordao ( SP ) . Trout is already typical ingredient of the cuisine of the city and a Japanese restaurant included the eggs in its dishes . The Fit provides the raw material produced in Santos ( SP ) , and processes the chef roe traditional manner .
"Insert a new product in the market always starts with a work of catechesis . We need to show that it is possible to the producer , works and can give financial return , "says Yara Aiko Tabata .
Comparing with the original caviar , roe trout are larger and more delicate flavor . They may also have two colors : golden and salmonado , which is pigmented . " For this kind of deli , composition and arrangement are important . The color variation is an interesting difference , "says Tabata . Another attraction is the price to the consumer . While 100 grams of caviar imported cost between £ 480 to £ 1500 , packing 40 grams of caviar trout can reach R $ 20 .
Source : Globo Rural magazine
P. S. : U.S. $ 1.00 = R $ 2.35
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