by John Mathias
Bats have the function of controlling insects and, in the case of frugíveros, spreading seeds and pollinating flowers, mammals are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act
In the houses of my farm is going bat infestation between the tiles, especially around chimneys. There are some control of these animals in order to remove them from the premises without damage to the environment?
Antonio Martins de Sousa, by email
I wonder what I do with the existence of many bats in the roof lining of my site?
Elizabeth Papini Ribeiro
São Gonçalo do Sapucai, MG
What can I do to scare bats that have invaded my house?
José Antonio Bonfanti
Macaws, SP
It is important to stay away from bats, particularly hematophagous, feeding on blood. More common in rural areas, while frugíveros (eat fruit) and insentívoros (eat insects) are present mainly in the cities, the bats may be transmitters of rabies, including fatal disease to humans.
The application of vaccines is considered as an effective preventive measure against the disease that has no cure. How have nocturnal habits, the mammal activity during the day may indicate you are infected with the rabies virus. Please contact the Health Surveillance of the municipality to be taken appropriate action, because killing him is a crime. Bats, which in nature have the function of controlling insects and, in the case of frugíveros, spreading seeds and pollinating flowers, are protected by the Wildlife Protection Act (Law No. 5,197, of January 3, 1967).
If any of them enter the residence, try to scare it with the help of a cloth, keeping doors closed and the windows open. To chase away the liner that made the house or other property a dwelling place, a suggestion is to increase the brightness of the environment with the exchange of some clay tiles for transparent options. They can be bought in stores of building materials. If the walls are of wattle and daub, avoid holes that arise with application of plaster of good quality.
Consultant: Mark Migliano, veterinarian, tel. (11) 3815-6155.
Source: Globo Rural magazine
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