by Globo Rural Online
(MPB System is number of seedlings per hectare dropped from 18 to 2, ensure the inventors)
The Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC) this week presented a technique that can increase efficiency and economic gains in setting up nurseries, replanting of commercial areas and possibly renovation and expansion of areas of cane sugar. . The system pre-sprouted seedlings (MPB) is a technology cane multiplication, which can contribute to a rapid production of seedlings, associating a high standard of plant health, vigor and uniformity of planting.
Another benefit is the reduction in the number of seedlings that goes to the field, according to the IAC. For planting one hectare of sugarcane, the seedling consumption would fall from 18 to 20 tons (in the conventional system) to 2 tons in MPB. "That means that 18 tons would be buried as seedlings for the industry will produce alcohol and sugar, producing gains," explains Mauro Alexandre Xavier, a researcher at the IAC, the Secretary of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo.
"This is a new concept in the method of multiplication of cane sugar, reducing volume and taking to the field effectively a plant," says Xavier.
The MPB changes the concept of multiplication of seedlings. Until then, it was used the conventional system, adopted since the arrival of the first plants of cane sugar in Brazil in 1530. "In the conventional system, opens up the groove and put thatched seed inside. Now propose to place the plant," he says.
The MPB technology changes the way we produce seedlings. In place of the stems as seeds, entering the pre-sprouted seedlings produced from cuttings called minirrebolos - where are the gems. It then passes through a visual check and are treated with a fungicide. Are placed in boxes with sprouting temperature and humidity controlled, and the end placed in tubes that pass through two stages of acclimatization. The complete cycle takes 60 days.
"Faults in plantation areas stem from the lack of uniformity of various factors of the current system, often due to excessive use of seedlings that sprout and end up competing for light water and nutrients," explains the researcher. But the new method improves the uniformity in the rows and thus reduces failures.
The system involves the formation of ponds to rapid multiplication of new materials. It is a simple method that can be adopted by small producers and associations, not being restricted to plants. According to the researcher, the MPB restores the benefits of training seedlings in nurseries, a procedure that had been virtually forgotten with the boom in the sector, while generating benefits such as phytosanitary aspects of the plant.
Among the main advantages of the system are the lowest volume of seedlings to be transported to the field planting and the big jump in the quality of plant seedlings. The MPB is being adopted in several regions. "For the simplicity of the method and its variations, is well distributed, the MPB is already in the Central region of Goiás and São Paulo, many producers in numerous states should adopt the method in the short and medium term," says IAC researcher.
Agrishow In 2013, the public can see two sugarcane varieties IAC planted in the conventional system and the BPM, and IACSP95 IACSP95-5094-5000. However, as the planting was done in January, it is still early to identify major differences. "In MPB occur after 150 days after planting an increase in the number of industrialized stalks," he says.
The MPB helps to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases in the deployment of sugarcane by using healthy seedlings. "Since 2009, the IAC Program Cana chose not to deliver more stems" seed "for multiplication and install its trial network. Since MPB has been developing the system," says Xavier. The technology arose from the need to deliver a non conventional stems, try to avoid the spread of Sphenophorus levis, an important pest of cane sugar.
Until the mid-1980s, the Beetle Sphenophorus Levis was restricted to the region of Piracicaba, but currently is seen in virtually every state of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and northern Paraná. It is very likely that this pest also already in Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, although there are no records of occurrence. The concerns are justified because the larvae cause severe destruction of brass knuckles, causing reduced productivity and longevity docanavial.
Less expensive
Another of the benefits of the system, there is the use of machinery. The planter in use MPB is much cheaper than those used in conventional systems for producers using machines that plant eucalyptus. It is possible that this new system stimulates movement in the industry to develop machine-specific and compatible to the MPB.
The MPB will achieve increased efficiency and economic gain in setting up nurseries, replanting of commercial areas and expansion and renovation of planted areas dean-cane. However for the deployment of large-scale system is required effort and cooperation between research institutions breeding, crop science and mechanization for the full feasibility of planting in a commercial area. "I think there should be an effort in building a large network of experimentation that can develop a package that manages fitotécnico sustainability for this new method of planting sugar cane," believes.
Source: Globo Rural magazine
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