by John Mathias
Toothbrush can be used for cleaning of fruits before bagging
Even protected with bags, the graviolas still being attacked by mosquitoes and ants. This may occur or do something wrong in the bag the fruits of soursop?
Paulo Rocha Luiz Gonçalves
Petrópolis, RJ
The soursop should be being attacked by mealybugs, sucking insect that produces a sweet substance that attracts ants. After hatching from eggs deposited by colchonilhas in fruits, succeeds larval stage or nymph. Despite the protection, it is possible that there was already the presence of eggs or nymphs in some fruits when they were bagged. To prevent this from happening again, before bagging use a toothbrush to clean the entire surface of the fruit and eliminate foci of plague. The control cochineal can be made by applying mineral oil or vegetable product that causes the death by suffocation of the insects on them to form a film that prevents breathing. It is recommended to use a volume of 10 milliliters of oil per liter of water. It can also be adopted a combination of syrup smoke. Mix 100 grams tobacco string with half a liter of alcohol and then add half a pint of water. Keep the solution at rest for 15 days. Cut 100 grams of neutral soap stone into small pieces and dissolve them in 10 liters of hot water. Let cool and add to the mixture tanned and strained. Sprays should be applied at the end of the day.
Consultant: José Carlos Cavichioli researcher Sao Paulo Agency for Agribusiness Technology (APTA), the Secretary of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo, Avenida Miguel Stefano, 3900, Água Funda, São Paulo, SP, CEP 04301-903, Tel (11) 5067-0447.
Source: Globo Rural magazine
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