segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013

Software helps to control the use of pesticides

The drops were developed to assist farmers to obtain the appropriate parameters for deposition of pesticide on desired targets

by Globo Rural Online
Ernesto de Souza/Ed. Globo
( System developed by Embrapa lets you cut certain areas and can be acquired for free )

A computer program developed by Embrapa will help farmers control the optimal amount of pesticide to be applied to the crop . It is the system drops - version 2.2, which helps to calibrate the deposition of chemicals for use to be more efficient , avoiding damage to crops and preventing waste.

" The Drops is designed to assist farmers to obtain the appropriate parameters for deposition of pesticide on desired targets ," explains researcher Aldemir Chaim Embrapa Environment ( Jaguariúna , SP ) , who conceived the program with support from Embrapa Information Technology ( Campinas , SP ) .

Among the features incorporated in this version stand out a tool to cut certain area of the selected sample , the possibility to save the experiment in a format compatible for use of the results in spreadsheet ; resources to save and restore the entire experiment , with all images of the samples , and a tool for removing unwanted samples .

For targeted sampling is recommended to use water-sensitive business card available in the market . This card , with scanned image is processed by the program that offers various deposition parameters . With this, the farmer can decide on the best combination of nozzles, the solution volume , speed of application etc . , That give the maximum deposition in the desired target .

The calibration of deposition of spray droplets is important for the application of chemicals such as for organic products . The technology is recommended by Embrapa as a strategy for control of Helicoverpa armigera caterpillar that has surprised researchers by producers and their destructive , causing damage mainly to crops of corn, soybeans and cotton .

Drops The program is free and is available on the Web AgroLivre . Was also produced a manual of use , which advises on the technical specifications necessary for the operation of the software .

Source : Globo Rural Magazine ( Brazil ) .

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