quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2013


A poluição é consequência de atividades humanas não sustentáveis.
Pollution is a result of unsustainable human activities.

The term "pollution" refers to environmental degradation by one or more of the factors detrimental to the health. It can be caused by the release of matter, as well as energy (light, heat, sound): the so-called pollutants.

Noise pollution, thermal, atmospheric, by radioactive elements, for non-biodegradable substances, from oil spills and eutrophication, are some examples.

Neuropsychiatric problems and deafness; drastic changes in birth rates and mortality of populations, generating impacts on the food chain, death of rivers and lakes; greenhouse; death by asphyxiation; destruction of the ozone layer, acid rain and destruction of monuments and acidification soil and water; thermal inversion, genetic mutations, tissue necrosis, spread of infectious diseases, among others, are just some of the consequences of pollution.

The framework of this problem was the Industrial Revolution, bringing with urbanization and industrialization. With the consolidation of capitalism, brought about by this historic moment, encouraging the production and accumulation of wealth, coupled with the apparent need to acquire new products all the time, made the idea of ​​progress arose related to exploitation and destruction of resources natural.

If nothing else this fact, large production of waste generated by this form of consumption linked to waste and disposal, causes us to have serious consequences. Hunger and poor quality of life for some, at the expense of the wealth of others, shows that our planet is not really good. In a world where most of the waste produced is of organic origin, many people have, as the only food source, that come from open dumps.

Thus, we are able to secure a decent future for our planet and, consequently, to the generations of people to come, we must rethink our way of relating to the world. The mere fact, for example, avoid bags and disposables made of plastic, could have prevented the formation of the floating layer 1000 km with 10 meters depth that compromises the lives of organisms that have the Pacific Ocean as habitat.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology
Team Brazil School

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