by Globo Rural Online
(Yellow onions can be caused by a fungus)
The chives from my organic garden is a type of rust on the leaves, although they are beautiful. Using well cured poultry manure as fertilizer and soil planting has been shut and received powdered iron phosphate rock. What should I do to cure onions?
Paulo Cezar Rodrigues
Curitiba, PR
A: The rust on the leaves is a disease caused by a fungus known as Puccinia there. The disease, which occurs only in plants aliáceas as chives, onions and garlic, is favored by warm temperatures and high humidity. The leaves can be observed small bumps and yellowish elliptical, at first covered by the cuticle. With the progress of the disease leaves turn yellow and dry tone. Some cultural practices help in controlling the disease, such as increased spacing of planting, drip irrigation or sprinkling early in the morning; balanced fertilization, without excess nitrogen, crop rotation, planting without garlic or onions; incorporation of crop residues , and the elimination of diseased plants or leaves, provided it is feasible.
CONSULTANT: RICARDO PEREIRA BORGES, researcher in the field of plant pathology at Embrapa Vegetables, Rod Brasilia / Annapolis, BR 060 Km 09, Brasília, Caixa Postal 218, CEP 70359-970, tel. (61) 3385-9110,
Source: Globo Rural magazine
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