More professionalized activity spreads, aiming at the conservation of the national squad and the lucrative trade in matrices and meat
by John Mathiasi Consultant Fabio Morais Hosken *
On the one hand, exotic meats are no longer new as they were just over a decade, the other, the greater their presence in sales channels shows how animal protein has been well accepted by the Brazilians. A good example of the advancement of the national market is the multiplication farms paca (Agouti paca) by country, in order to meet the demand of a profitable trade.
Producer of the Cerrado region, specializing in wildlife management and exotic, Fabio Morais Hosken reports that there are north and south of Brazil dozens of restaurants and steakhouses that have meat paca on their menus. The product can also be found in supermarket chains, boutiques and stores meats installed in large urban centers.
The increase in the share of the food on the plates of consumers is a reflection of the professionalism of the creators achieved in recent years. Lightweight, soft and tasty, rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus, meat paca comes from animals treated in establishments inspected by the states. Before the responsibility of IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), the authorization and supervision required for the commercial breeding of any wild animal became the exclusive jurisdiction of Oemas (State Agencies Environment) since the publication of Complementary Law (LC) 140/2011.
The sale of dies for playback is another activity that can bring income for those who have plans to start a creation. At the same time, the work has a nature conservationist and contributes to the recovery squad Pacas in the national territory, which was reduced due to poaching and diminishing natural habitat promoted by deforestation over the years.
Inexpensive and need little space, managing Pacas has as challenges to animal adaptation to life in captivity and the formation of families, as they are considered territorial and easy to get stressed. However, if cared for with dedication and with the use of tips from experienced professionals, have good behavior.
Pacas born in captivity, however, tend to be gentle and has no problems of aggressiveness. Nocturnal, the rodent has the short and colors ranging from brown-brown to reddish-brown. With 32-70 inches long in adulthood, can live up to 12 years.
>>> CREATION MINIMUM: one male and four females
>>> COST: R $ 1,000 is the average price of each issue
>>> RETURN: 30 months
>>> PLAY: two deliveries per year with a calf each
>>> HOME> Learn about the requirements that must be met to start the activity and allowing the project to create together a OEMA. Only after counting the facilities, purchase animals from breeders with references and properly recorded. It is also indicated to the creator beginner count monitoring an advisory professionalized as a Veterinary technician who can advise on the best techniques to cope with the Pacas.
>>> ENVIRONMENT> Pacas live well in areas with different climatic conditions, so it can be created in any region of the country. How like to get wet, it is important to install a tank or pool of at least 1 x 1 meter area, with a depth of 25 cm. To give more comfort to animals, provide one nest box 1.1 meter long and 70 centimeters wide.
>>> STRUCTURE> O intensive, considered the best creation system, uses a house divided into bays 3 x 4 meters to 5 x 5 meters, with concrete floor, low wall of masonry 50 cm screen and onto the roof. An empty space, or even a pigsty off the property, can be adapted to the confinement of animals, reducing deployment costs. There is an option the semi-intensive system, held in paddocks in kills with 100 square meters each, surrounded by wood stakes, screen and barbed wire. Below the fence, make a baldrame 50 inches deep to prevent Pacas flee digging holes.
>>> CARE> Before you start dealing with the creation, it is recommended to the producer taking tetanus shot. The use of boots is a further precaution necessary to perform the management of the animals. To avoid that adaptation is aggressive for Pacas, start with two copies and gradually go introducing the other members. Among the common diseases of the rodent, are stress, worms and any dental problems. Count on a visit from a veterinary surgeon for two months helps maintain the health of Pacas.
>>> FEED> Can be produced on the spot, as the paca feed on vegetables, grains, roots, coconuts, vegetables and fruits in general. Opt for crops that do well with the climate, soil and environment of the region. As a supplement, provide the animals feed intended for rabbits or just shelled corn.
>>> PLAY> are two births per year, generating an offspring each. While the females are ready to be mothers from the eight months of life, the males begin breeding period of nine and ten months. From March to September is the main breeding season of the mammal, with 31-day production cycle. Infanticide is a common act between Pacas, so it is recommended to isolate the females before birth until the pups gain more weight and strength. If born with the group, can be attacked by the other in the first weeks.
* FÁBIO MORAL HOSKEN is zootecnista and consultant for breeding of wild animals and exotic preparation of projects and records at IBAMA, tel. (31) 8479-8949,,
WHERE TO BUY: the farms in operation are recorded in Oemas
MORE INFORMATION: To ask questions about breeding exotic and wild, contact the Division of Wildlife of the Superintendent closer. The contact number can be found on
Source: Globo Rural magazine
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