by Silene Silva
(The monkey guigo of Sergipe, recently discovered, can disappear in a few decades)
Over the past decade, the monkey guigo Sergipe, an endemic species occupying stretches of Atlantic Forest in the state and in northern Bahia, was extinguished in 14 of 125 forest fragments that were recorded. The disappearance endangers the existence of the species, identified only 1999 now includes a list of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) with 26 endangered primates.
The loss of habitat caused by environmental impact caused by activities related to urbanization, the agricultural production, and attempts to domesticate animals, is the main cause of threat. "The hunting and capture of animals for domestication lead to reduction in natural populations, implying demographic breakdown and loss of genetic variability, which makes people more susceptible to extinction," says biologist Jerusalinsky Leandro, who coordinates the National Center for Research and Conservation of Primates Brazilians, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio / CPB)
Beside Renato Hilary, doctor of zoology, Leandro integrates guigo Project, which works in partnership with the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and the environmental secretary of state (Sermarh). In the last decade the project has been studying the behavior of the species in the field.
The data collected by the researchers were compiled in two theses defended between January and July this year. Results will be presented at the Brazilian Congress and Latin American Primatology, that occur between the 4th and August 9 in Recife, and also during the Research Seminar ICMBio, between 10 and 12 September in Brasilia. "The analysis of theses in these works is very important because it confirms that the populations of guigós, especially those in small isolated fragments are gradually being extinct," says Leandro.
During the presentation will also be addressed by research strategies proposed for the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Primates in the Northeast. In 2010, it was created in Chapel (SE) the Refugio de Vida Silvestre Mata do Junco (SVR), a unit of state conservation protection. The space, 70 km from Aracaju, has almost 900 hectares of Atlantic Forest for the protection of the headwaters of the creek Lagartixo and the preservation of endangered species.
The area, however, is not enough for the conservation of populations. According Leandro, the greater difficulty of maintaining the species in equilibrium is the maintenance of forest fragments and complexity to connect them again. Monkey guigo is considered a territorial animal that only lives with conspecifics. This adaptation may help in obtaining food and observation of possible predators, which ensures their survival. The preservation of the species strengthens the actions of conservation of forest fragments.
The environmental imbalance can lead to inbreeding, when animals are forced to play between members of the same family, which can cause serious problems for the genes, leaving people more susceptible to diseases. "Even with the Project guigo, we estimate that the species is likely to be locally extinct in a few decades," says Leandro. Genetic variability is the fundamental source of evolution and is what ensures the evolutionary potential.
The Monkey guigo
• The guigo is considered a medium sized primate, reaching up to 390 mm in length. The tail can have 1/3, or ¼ of that size. The weight ranges from 1 to 2 kilograms. The forehead and ears are black and gray body with orange tail.
• the population of the species is formed by groups of 3 to 6 patients, with a couple monogamous adult individuals and 3 other, ranging from infant to some adults.
• They are animals with cryptic habits (hard to understand or interpret). Namely, they can be easily camouflage in the forest feed into most often fruits, flowers and plants and resting for a long period.
Source: Globo Rural magazine
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